Bhavin is installing the solar thermal tubing which will complete the entire system.

Bhavin and the team are celebrating a successful day as the last tube is installed!
The installation of the system is now complete and has been tested with water to check for leaks. Now it is time to put the 50% water, 50% glycol solution into the system. The solution will be circulated by the pump through the entire system.

Because of the low temperatures that Medicine Hat encounters throughout the winter glycol must be added to the solution in order to prevent feezing.
The photo on the left shows you what the solar thermal area looked a few days after start up. The photo on the right shows you what the area looks like now, 3 weeks later.
The temperature differential controller that will control the pump based on the temperature difference from the collector and the storage tank temperature has been installed.

The second-priority heat exchanger, which is the copper tubing wrapped around the piping has been installed. The third-priority heat dump with radiant fins has been installed for the "dumping" of extra heat.

There is still more work to be done in the area including the installation of the expansion tanks.


    I have recently completed the first year of Bachelor of Engineering at MHC and I vision myself to progress in sustainable energy sector.


    I will be beginning my fourth year in the Bachelor of Business Administration program this Fall at MHC. I am enjoying learning so much about renewable energy and look forward to learning so much more!


    August 2012
    July 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012


    Medicine Hat College
    Solar Energy
    Solar Photovoltaic
    Solar Thermal
    Sun Reports